Benjamin Blaze’s Birthday
At 1 st all groovy, gift,
Waterfalls plus kayaking
Blew out 8 candles as
Bro Evan Wilder admires
Before their energetic
Cousin-brothers who flew
In for the celebration
Began to dwindle—which
Was attributed to odd
Food ‘til one said he can’t
Taste anything that of
Course led to his PCR test
Then sadly gathering’s
Aborted anti-serendipitously
On virginal anniversary June
24.22 SCOTUS Dobbs ruling

“Critics! Can’t even float. They just stand on shore.”
–Parul Sehgal, Mortal Coil, quoting jazz musician Ben Sidran, 19June2023 New Yorker
i.Bruised And Grueling?
“It is the absence of facts that frightens people:
the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires.”
― RIP Hilary Mantel (1952-2022), Wolf Hall
Writing may convey “real life”
(generally quite happy)
in my own attempt at authentic
tone–—-or distort that
in favor exploration of unknowns
–regardless of readers
potential different artistic preferences.
ii. Guy In The Sky’s Editor Extraordinaire Pantheon
On the other hand, one has to remember that the time I look back on as the golden age was seen by people like
Alfred Knopf as the age of the slobs…—R.I.P. Robert Gottlieb (1931-14June2023)
editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf, and The New Yorker
Bob was wonky wholesome
if per critics a trifle insouciant
snobby retail rather ‘n wholesale nerd
who in very own word was a Completist
meaning if he liked reading your first book
would look ASAP to devour writer’s total oeuvre.
Recent science supports millennia of intuition
That simply our acts of making art
Regardless if judged by others as good or not
Can lead to better health/ longevity.
Gerard Sarnat MD’s authored HOMELESS CHRONICLES, Disputes, 17s, Melting Ice King. Gerry’s published by Gargoyle, Newark Public Library, Blue Minaret, Columbia, Harvard, Stanford, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, Northampton Review, New Haven Institute, Buddhist Review, American Journal Poetry, Poetry Quarterly, Brooklyn Review, LA Review, SF Magazine, NY Times.